WUMCRC Welcomes A New Intern

For the past five years WUMCRC has worked with Saint Louis University’s Public Policy Studies Department for both on-site and remote technical assistance on various projects.  In July, our intern Matthew Green left to pursue a career at East-West Gateway as a policy analyst in their research department.  We congratulate Matthew on his new position.  We considered him a  great asset to WUMCRC and wish him continued success with his career.

To replace the internship position vacated by Matt, WUMCRC hired Steve Stricklan.  Steve is currently a second year graduate student at Saint Louis University in the Urban Planning and Real Estate Development Masters program.  As a WUMCRC intern, Steve will assist with community development projects  currently underway.  His main contribution will consist of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps of the area, highlighting different developmental focal points.  His primary research interest is the relationship between the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County.  Upon completion of graduate school, Steve’s career goal is to be an urban planner in the St. Louis area.

New intern, Steve Stricklan, in front of the Grove mural on Manchester.



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